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Account Payable Automation

Simplify Accounts Payable Invoice Tracking & Processing

In the world of accounts payable, invoice tracking and approvals can be complicated because you need to steer information through many different departments. Our flexible invoice scanning software, NimbuScan, can help you take charge of your supplier invoice approvals. We’ll help you automate your processes so that you can eliminate data entry and lost paperwork. Capture, approve, and file your invoices electronically. NimbuScan has everything you need to work efficiently, even when you are working remotely.

Smart Tools for Your Finance Team

features 1 unifying icon
Designate an email address for receiving supplier invoices.
features 2 productive icon
Automatically identify creditor, data, invoice number, PO number, invoice total, and amount (excluding GST).
features 3 customer icon
Data extraction
Use Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology to pre-populate electronic invoices for your approval.
features 4 faster watch icon
Validation of data

Be sure you have the correct data for your scanned accounts payable invoices.

features 5 playbook icon
Approval workflow
Expedite direct processing of PO-based invoices and set approval roles and levels that match your company’s delegated authorities.
financial track icon
Securely store processed invoices with automated indexing for easy retrieval

Know your Cash Flow

Electronic processing and tracking tools in NimbuScan mean no more lost accounts payable invoices. And with our dashboards, it’s easy to identify invoices that need attention. Our graphical reporting tools show a count of invoices at each stage: waiting to be submitted, approved, and posted. You’ll process invoices on time and have better visibility of your cashflow commitments.

Business man tracking accounts payable performance on his tablet.

Automate the Approvals Process so your Team can Work More Efficiently

Set an approval process that fits your business. With NimbuScan you’ll significantly increase the productivity of your AP process. It’s accurate, flexible and easy to use. Scan supplier invoices and pre-populate fields for your approval, so you can eliminate duplicate work and prevent errors.

financial eliminate icon
Increase productivity and reduce invoice processing costs.
financial communication icon

Reduce accounts payable invoice processing times and late payments.

financial allocate resources icon
Increase power to track outstanding invoices using dashboards.