Integrated ERP Software

Harness Your Data, Free Up Time

See Capabilities


Know Exactly How Your Business is Performing.

Designed for contracting and construction companies, Nimbus is a powerful, integrated ERP software that will help you use your business data so that you can take control of your future and find the freedom to focus on what matters.

Get the Visibility you Need to Grow Your Business

Business success comes down to the numbers. If you don’t know which divisions are making money, it can be difficult to make critical business decisions. Nimbus provides visibility and accountability so you can see where you’re profitable and where improvements need to be made.

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The One Solution your Entire Team Will Love

If your business has grown too complex to continue using a patchwork of software systems, it’s time to move to a single platform. Nimbus is integrated so that data is entered once and shared across every department, allowing you to optimize business operations, increase performance and exceed expectations.

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Give Your Team Time Saving Tools They’ll Actually Use

Eliminate double entry, simplify processes, and improve consistency with our flexible ERP Software that gives your team the freedom to focus on what matters.

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Nimbus works harder, so you can work smarter.

Illustration of a computer and various icons that represents integrated ERP Software.

Managing all your resources can be a headache — Nimbus software makes your job easy by placing all your data at your fingertips. Our powerful ERP Software will help you streamline your business, enable your employees to work more efficiently, and serve your customers better.


Organise Data


Increase Efficiency


Add Value

Home Smiling Couple

“Nimbus saved our business. Since installation, we have gone from strength to strength. We can see what is happening when it happens and can make better decisions while there is time to make a difference. I have no hesitation to endorse Nimbus for a contracting business like ours.”

Bond Contracts Ltd


Made for Kiwi Businesses like Yours


We work with you to deliver your dream ERP system. Nimbus provides our customers with expertise in a true partnership that emphasizes personalized consultation and configuration.

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